
Jerry Lynn Myers

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Jerry the Dad

     I was not fortunate enough to be around Chris, Jeri Leigh or Josie when they were children.  They were adults (almost) when I met and married their dad.  So, Sam was the first infant I saw Jerry interact with.
     Sam was due December 29th.  My father invited Jerry and me out to dinner on December 23rd.  We went to a local steakhouse, but Jerry ordered chicken fried steak with brown gravy (he hated cream gravy).  He commented that it tasted really salty.  Later that evening, Jerry started throwing up.  It lasted that night and the entire next day until he began throwing up blood by the evening.  So, I put him in the jeep and rushed him to the emergency room.  It was Christmas Eve and the emergency room was celebrating.  Jerry was taken to a room and given a shot of visterol.  His arm started hurting immediately but he was told it would be okay and the hospital sent us home.  He slept most of our first Christmas Day.  I had Sam on the 29th (induced labor and another story).  All that time, Jerry's arm was hurting but he let me hold on to it during each contraction.  Sam and I went home the next day.  Jerry let me sleep and he changed the first four or five diapers.  He was so good to me as he always was.
     School started back when Sam was only four days old.  Jerry went to work, but when he came home, he held his newest son and just stared at him.  I have never seen a dad look at a little baby with such love and devotion.  It is a look I will never forget.  Jerry was created to be a dad and later a Pop Pop.  And he was the best.

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