
Jerry Lynn Myers

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Writer

     Jerry was a writer.  He loved words and had a vocabulary that always astounded me.  When Sam was an infant and I was going "goo goo" to him, Jerry was explaining the universe and the theory of relativity to him.  Jerry told me it was good for a baby to hear words like that.  He was right.  Sam's vocabulary is like his dads and he has become a writer also.
     But Jerry was more than just large words.  He loved to play with words.  If you spent any time with him, you knew all about "Jerry Jokes."  The kids started calling them "Pop Pop Jokes" or "PPJs."  I was always amazed at how fast he could think of a pun to go along with something someone said.  I tried to keep up, but he was always faster.  "I'm tired" turned into "just don't go flat."
     And then there were the corny jokes.  They could be really eary.  "What do you call a fly with no legs?  A walk."  "What do you call a cow with no legs?  Ground beef."
     The kids were creating a Pop Pop Joke book with their favorite jokes and play on words complete with their drawings.  Sadly, Jerry never got to see it.  The book was going to be a present.  For now, it has a place of honor at our home.  When we think of another joke, it will get written down.  And when we are able to all be in Odessa, we will get it out and remember.  And laugh.
     If you remember one, please add it to the comments so we can fill up our book and chuckle at our Jerry Jokes.

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