
Jerry Lynn Myers

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Six Months

Dear Jerry,
     It has now been six months.  Six months since I have heard your voice, felt your touch or kissed your lips.  Six months since I have played with your beard, laughed at your silly Jerry joke or told you I am the most blessed person in the world.
     Today is Thanksgiving.  I am thankful that I knew you for 19 of the best years of my life.  That I have 4 of the greatest children. You would be so proud of all of them.  Especially Sam.  He is making a 90 in physics.  He would be able to talk to you about the one subject you always wanted to know more about.  He has been in 3 performances at Dos Amigos and his band is doing so well.  Josie is about to give birth to a grandson.  Chris seems to be coping but is having a difficult time.  Jeri Leigh is working hard so she doesn't think too much.
     I missed you so much today.  I made spaghetti instead of the traditional Thanksgiving meal we always had.  I thought I was doing good until it was time to drain the meat.  You always did that for me.  Today I did it myself.  I have proven to myself I can do some of your jobs successfully but I just don't want to.
     My life will always be richer because you were in it for such a short time.   

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