
Jerry Lynn Myers

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cheyenne and Jacob

     After Sam and I arrived at Houston, I asked the grandkids if they wanted to have me write their favorite memories about Pop Pop.  Cheyenne and Jacob were the first.
     From Cheyenne in her words:  "Pop pop sang 'Commanche' (a song about a horse Jerry's mother sang to him) to us.  He also made us laugh by singing the hot dog man song.  My favorite PPJ  is a man walks into a bar and says ouch.  His smile made me happy.  I made him smile by calling him mole boy, booger boy, and slave boy.  But he really wasn't my slave."
     From Jacob in his words:  "We went to the meteor crater in Odessa last summer.  He bought me a piece of a meteor and tektites which he said were pieces of a meteor.  We went to the sand hills.  He asked us where the car was but we were wrong.  I asked him to take a picture with my DSI but he took a picture of himself by accident.  He messed with a dead frog with his key to show me.  He also gave me fossils - a fish, dinosaur tooth and others.:
     Jerry always called Cheyenne his feral grandchild because she would rather play than have her hair brushed.  He loved her independent spirit and her curiosity.  She made him smile.
     Jerry knew that one day Jacob would be a scientist.  Last year when Jacob was in fifth grade and studying science in preparation for the science TAKS test, the two of them would spend literally hours on the phone talking about space, the planets, animals, or any question Jacob would come up with. 
     Dad and Pop Pop were the two names Jerry loved being called.


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